Badly drafted or no cover letters can get your job application rejected!

In my earlier career as an HR, I have witnessed job applications with just a resume attached in the email, no subject, no cover letter or with just a generic line please see attached or applying of a job etc. What happens when a recruiter reads it, it right-off looks offensive, shows lack of penchant […]

Badly drafted or no cover letters can get your job application rejected! Read More »

Create targeted value propositions on your Résumé.

Your resume is a marketing tool, that facilitates your visibility to potential employers. Catching the recruiter’s eye with your Value Propositions (VP) crafted on your résumé is a sure shot way to make it to the interview table. Further, these VPs can be leveraged on your online presence and in the interview itself. So, how

Create targeted value propositions on your Résumé. Read More »

If writing is not your game, leave it to the professionals!

?Let’s say you’re an accountant, money is your game & not words. ?Let’s say you’re a software developer, coding is your game & not words. ?Let’s say you’re an Engineer, products are your game & not words. You have spent hours creating your Résumé and struggled to express your previous work experience well on paper

If writing is not your game, leave it to the professionals! Read More »

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