Rewording or paraphrasing your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile can give your job search a boost and help you create opportunities that did not even exist before, here’s how to do it:

💪By prioritizing Substance over Style

💪By writing quality resume content over focussing only on the resume design.

💪By making a strong initial impression with the resume headlines/taglines

💪By intriguing the recruiter with accomplishments so that they call you for an interview to understand how you achieved them.

💪By selling the exact skills and accomplishments that the recruiter is searching for.

💪By balancing the act of style, articulation, practicality, keywords, formatting,  & plain old getting-the-point-across techniques.

💪By writing to get noticed not only by humans but to those ATS scans as well.

💪By using wording that matches the job description and industry standards.

💪By providing numbers that are consistent and pragmatic.

💪By not copying someone else’s resume or copying Job posting language that leads to plagiarism.

💪By Using power words or action verbs  in concise, professional & outcome-oriented statements

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