How to List Languages on a Resume


How to List Languages on a Resume is important because language skills are commonly incorrectly listed on resumes as:

❌”English, Hindi & Tamil” or “Can speak, read and write English.” or “Can Speak Hindi” Or “Can Speak & Read Tamil”

❌Some jobseekers wonder whether it is necessary to list language skills on their resumes and skip it altogether.

But is this sufficient? Or is there a better way to list them? Curious about how this will affect your profile as well as how much value it will have?

Let’s get to the bottom of it and find out the why and how to list languages on a resume by answering some common questions related to it:

➡️ Are recruiters interested in my language skills?

🛎️Yes, they are. Technology, transport, and communication have made the world a global village. It is certainly desirable to hire people who can communicate across boundaries. It signals recruiters that you have not only the ability to communicate with others, but also culture-specific knowledge as well. In a globalized economy, businesses thrive in this manner.

➡️ What is the impact of adding language skills to my resume?

🛎️ To maximize space on your resume, only include language skills that are relevant to the job. A company with international clients requires foreign language skills. It supplements direct work experience. Multilingual skills can also make you stand out when applying for highly competitive jobs where your value proposition increases exponentially. Particularly when applying abroad. It also shows your curiosity and learning ability.

➡️ Where should I list my language skills on my resume?

🛎️ Language placement depends on proficiency and relevance to the target role. If the job advert stresses language abilities, dedicate a separate section, otherwise you can include them further down.

In my next post, I’ll explain how to describe your language proficiency level and common mistakes.

Stay tuned and follow me for more such actionable #careerinsights

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