Measurable Metrics + Accomplishments = High Impact Resume.

Pursuant to my last post, here are some ways you may add numbers to your accomplishments:

#️⃣Cost and percentages related to revenue generated.

#️⃣Number of contracts or bids you’ve won

#️⃣Increase in market share

#️⃣Number of customers or employee’s headcount served

#️⃣Numbers or percentages of performance benchmarks met.

#️⃣Amount or percentage of monetary saving

#️⃣Range of monetary budgets you’ve managed

#️⃣Percentages by which you’ve improved efficiency

#️⃣Numbers of anything you’ve done in great quantity.

#️⃣Number of times nominated as team or project lead.

#️⃣Timeframes of accomplishments,

#️⃣Number of awards/appreciation you’ve won

#️⃣Number of publications, rankings that have featured your work

#️⃣Number of man-hours saved.

#️⃣Metrics of processes reengineered and results.

#️⃣Percentage of new market share captured

✍️ Connect with me to get your Résumé, Cover Letter and LinkedIn professionally made with quantified accomplishments

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