? Client: I have been applying for the last 6 months and have not been called for a single interview.
? Me: How much time or effort have you taken to tweak your resume & cover letter to your target role?

You should tailor your resume to answer all of the questions hiring managers/recruiters are asking. It is critical that your resume and cover letter answer their questions precisely if you want to be invited to an interview. Here are some pointers that you can use:

?A resume headline or tagline tells the reader who you are and it tells the reader immediately what you are looking for.
?Create a spin strategy with a short paragraph of compelling information, avoiding clichés and long-winded drivel. Don’t waffle, keep it short.

?Establish your core competencies that will pique the reader’s interest. This is a quick keyword search with your key skills.

?Position it with relevant information that’s important to the reader without delivering all of it.

?Your resume is the trailer, so don’t show the entire movie. Hook the reader with the trailer.

?Keep it rich with results because you will shine with examples and corresponding results.

?Explain the examples clearly and cogently and be prepared to discuss and back them up.

?Make sure the font, presentation, and set-up of the resume are consistent and aesthetically pleasing. 

Whether you are the best candidate in the world or not, if your resume is sloppy, the recruiters will form an opinion that so are you and skip your resume.

DM me to prepare your resume in a manner that your answers are strong, clear, tailored, and relevant to the career path you are choosing to follow.

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