Creating a Résumé that busts the ATS Bot!

As much as job seekers may loathe the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), it was inevitable.

For the initial part of my career, I remember printing & signing my résumé and visiting office to office to submit the application.

When the job market turned digital, we had online applications pour in across boundaries. And to wade through this tide of résumés, HR is increasingly turning to AI to sift-out good fits. So while digitalization has made applying as easy as a mouse click, that résumé is much more likely to be screened out into oblivion than end up in front of a human.

To avoid getting caught by the résumé sifter, job seekers should understand the bot.

So-called predictive hiring tools evaluate résumés by finding keywords related to categories like skills, experience, and education, and weighing them with the job requirements and any other factors the hiring company has specified. The system may weigh applicants who have worked at certain companies more positively. It may infer how old a skill seems to be from where it appears on the résumé

Artificial intelligence is used to understand what people mean to say — for example, if Jindal is a person’s name, an alma mater, or a company the applicant worked for.

✍️ DM me to get an ATS complaint Résumé & Cover Letter and optimise your LinkedIn Profile.

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