Country-Specific Resume Requirements Series – Singapore!

Called – Resume

Writing Style – Formal and Crisp. Cut the clutter. Go for clear, concise & current, using bullet points.

Length – The recommended length is two pages.

Personal Details – Share personal information such as your hobbies and interests, to convey your personality and how you’d fit in with other workers and the organization. List volunteer work, internships, and student teaching under ‘Other Work Experience’.

Start with –Personal information and contact details

Include your Picture – Yes

Language – The US or The UK English

Order – Reverse Chronological order – working backwards from your most recent experience

Font & Style – Calibri, Arial, Cambria, Times New Roman, size 11, with bolding, caps, and italics.

Other Details – Instead of having the hiring manager go through the whole resume to find your key contributions and achievements, add that information up front. Highlight your most relevant experience and skills sets in a separate section before the segment on work experience. Focus on the most relevant roles to the role you are aspiring to, and those in which you’ve felt you’ve given the best performance or given you the most tangible results. Be backed by evidence: use facts, figures, $ and % in achievements. Make sure the dates on your resume match those on your LinkedIn and other online profiles. If you are a recent graduate with no previous work history, move your education qualifications & achievements higher up on your resume.

✍️ DM me to get a country-specific professional or academic Résumé with a Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Profile.

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