Career Advice

Magnetise your presence on LinkedIn!

Having a striking & search-friendly LinkedIn profile with a professional picture & cover photo is just the tip of the iceberg, so what else should you do to influence & attract potential employers: ? Add recruiters and potential employer functional heads to your network. ? Make use of all available skills from the drop-down that

Magnetise your presence on LinkedIn! Read More »

Don’t dart in the dark while networking for a Job.

Networking is a sure shot way to find a dream job, however, the art of networking is not everyone’s cup of tea and many do it incorrectly. I am sharing here a real-time experience of a functional head (Gayle Rigione) and am sharing it written from her angle: “Ginny emailed me a week ago. Her

Don’t dart in the dark while networking for a Job. Read More »

Applying Design Thinking Principles to develop a tailored Résumé.

‘Design Thinking’ is the new buzz that’s making rounds in the market that leading universities such as Harvard, Stanford, MIT, etc. have started teaching the approach, and brands such as Apple, Google, GE, Samsung, etc. have embraced quickly. It’s has a human-centered core and its framework is a 5-step process including EMPATHISING, IDEATION, PROTOTYPING &

Applying Design Thinking Principles to develop a tailored Résumé. Read More »

How do you get your Résumé to catch the recruiter’s eye?

With the pandemic hitting, the job market equations are now skewed.  Recruiters on average receive 400 résumés for a single job posting. Even if you get past the automated ATS bot, you still have to catch the eye of the human reviewing your profile at the next level. So how does one get noticed by

How do you get your Résumé to catch the recruiter’s eye? Read More »

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