What is your job search strategy to beat the competition?

To be successful as a job seeker in today’s job market, you need to be strategic, realistic, and forward-thinking.

In a market with an abundance of supply, a lot of companies will be looking for ways to profit from this. It’s basic economics: surplus means more competition and lower remuneration.

How will you stand out from the competition? How can you increase your chances of receiving that attractive pay package?

?Focus on your Unique Value Proposition – This is your specialty. Identify it and remember it has to be relevant to the potential employer’s needs. Explain how this proposition will benefit your potential employer in your resume, cover letter, and interview.

?Upskill yourself – Earning certifications adds to your existing knowledge and shows that your knowledge is up-to-date. This does not mean free courses on the internet, free courses have less or no value.

? Learn the Art of Negotiation- This is probably the most undermined skill, but tactful negotiation is the key for you to be able to articulately price yourself. It is a common fear to overestimate the price. Do your research and justify why you should be paid an x amount.

?Network, Network & Network – Building your network can lead to new career opportunities, personal growth, or simply new knowledge. Engaging in active networking helps keep you in mind when opportunities arise, such as job openings, and increases the chances of getting introduced to relevant people or receiving a referral.

?Update your online profile – on LinkedIn, other job portals, professional forums, and engage actively on the platform irrespective of whether you are looking to make a career move or not. This also helps you to stay up to date on market trends and get recognized in the right circles.

?Market yourself on your resume – A professional resume writer knows how to establish a connection between an employer’s needs and candidate experience. Hence, investing in getting a professionally written resume has way more rewards than you can think of!

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