Here is why a visual resume is an absolute no unless you are a creative professional or a graphic designer showing your designing skills:

1. ATS GETS CONFUSED – Although your resume should be visually appealing in this digital world, keep in mind that overly creative layouts and fonts can sometimes confuse AI that runs the Applicant Tracking System. 

2. ONLINE DESIGNER RESUME FORMAT: It’s best to avoid, pre-programmed resume templates since they contain a lot of in-built coding. Despite templated designs being visually appealing, a person could understand the information, while a computer program might not be able to do so. There is a likelihood it would get confused and dismiss the resume.

3. IT’S HARD TO TAILOR A VISUAL RESUME TO A TARGET JOB: The online format has space restrictionsto fit in your matter or add desired sections or customise it to your needs. And you would have to work harder to tailor an infographic resume to the job and will end up going back to the graphic designer for every change or addition making the whole affair unnecessarily costly.

4. ATS CANNOT READ IMAGES:  When you upload your resume in job portals or on company application portals, which is nothing but the front end of the ATS. It acts as a gatekeeper filtering out not so relevant applications If a resume is not made with the ATS in mind, a candidate could easily be passed over, even if highly qualified and the right fit. Some of the things that ATS cannot read or understand are images, graphics, and colours.

5. GRAPHICS DISTRACTS ONE FROM CONTENT: Hence, recruiters and hiring managers also prefer a traditional resume format with rich targeted content so they can find the information they want quickly.

However, when using a textual resume your information should be arranged in clean sections to make it easier for ATS and humans to read. Although a robot usually performs the initial resume intake & ranking, a person will eventually be involved in the process, so create a document that appeals to both parties.   It works best if you create a traditional Word document, then convert it to a PDF rather than using online built-in fancy templates downloaded as pictures, JPGs, PNGs or PPTs.

#jobseekers, stay tuned and follow me for more such insights.

✍️You can reach out to me to get a professionally built Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Profile that resonates with your target role. You can speak to me if you want a basic resume review or want more information, contact here

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Does your resume contain these? If so, remove them immediately!

❎Graphs & bar charts

❎Many boxes & columns

❎Career or Education Timeline

❎ Logos & icons

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