💬 Client- Why should I add numbers to my resume? What’s the benefit?

💡 Me: One of the simplest and most effective resume strategies is to quantify your resume achievements with numbers and data.

💬 Client: How to get to them?

💡 Me: The easiest way to find ways to quantify your achievements is to look at how you directly impacted the company’s money, time, process, people & clients even team, project, or data size

💬 Client: Can you share some examples with context?

💡 Me: Yes, metrics, data, or any kind of stats help recruiters and hiring managers to see the impact you made. The right data can make your experience seem more substantial and send a signal that you have credibility.

EXAMPLE: Instead of  “wrote copywriting materials to build ongoing engagement”  you can use “wrote 10 copywrites within 4 weeks that generated 20% additional engagement” which is much more impressive.

Numbers make you seem like a result-oriented candidate, use them to tell a story of how you made those numbers happen shows that you’re the kind of person a company wants to hire. 

EXAMPLE – It’s one thing to say you increased profits, but in what time frame and with what challenges gives context to potential employers. But you could say that you increased sales from $2 million to $5 million within a year. Or, you could say during a hiring freeze and budget restrictions, you managed to increase productivity by 15%, saving an additional $20,000.

💬 Client: I don’t actually remember these numbers.

💡 Me: As long as you can justify them during the interview, the numbers added can be approximate and don’t have to be exact. 

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