Here is a recent conversation I had with my client on applying for jobs:

💁Client: I have applied to over 300 jobs but have not received a single interview call.

✅Me: Have you checked how well your fit for the role before applying?

💁Client: No, I just search for a designation and apply to everything that comes my way or is recommended by the job portal. The ATS is standing between me and my next job, even though I have an ATS-friendly resume.

✅Me: Well, that can’t be true. I understand that Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) cause the most frustration among job seekers. Complaints vary from no transparency, no indication if resume was reviewed, no feedback on rejection, keywords focused, time-consuming application process and limited formatting options.

Recruiters, however, report that only 25% of applications are received for most postings.

But why do recruiters only see a small percentage of applications?  It is because a majority of candidates who applied are not qualified for the job posted and some are completely irrelevant. If recruiters are looking for entry-level sales candidates and see an engineer or VP apply, they feel it’s totally fair for the ATS to discard them.

As a jobseeker it’s critical to avoid blindly applying for jobs without first reading and checking if you’re qualified for them. It’s a waste of time for both you and the recruiter. Your application will likely be rejected, and you won’t receive feedback on your rejection. Additionally, it can damage your reputation by showing you as unprofessional or lacking attention to detail, thus hurting your chances for future opportunities. Eventually leading to a feeling of discouragement and frustration in your job search.

Basically, it’s critical to carefully review job postings and only apply for positions for which you’re qualified. This will increase your chances of success in the job search process and help you maintain a positive reputation with employers. However, if you are career changer consider rewriting your resume to match & position you to the target role.

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