Some routine errors job seekers make while writing résumés!

❎Listing job duties and not accomplishments in your experience. If want to create an impactful résumé you need to showcase the impact you have had in each job.

❎Being too descriptive by writing rather than lengthy, flowing sentences. Instead, be concise and pack a lot of information into a couple of words.

❎Not quantifying your achievements. Add metrics to the outcome of your accomplishments.

❎Not tailoring your experience so it’s pertinent to the employer. Add and minus experience that is relevant or irrelevant. Remove any additional information that is not relevant to the job, why will the recruiter want to know your father’s name, your marital status, etc.

❎Mixing soft skills with hard skills. Either use two separate sections for skills and attributes or avoid listing soft skills instead blend them into your experience.

❎Avoid too much jargon & abbreviations. Use full forms and explain the jargon if needed.

❎Not using industry-relevant keywords. The initial résumé sifters (whether human or the ATS Bot) is programmed to look for keywords that match. Identify keywords from JD or job portals or industry profiles and then paint a picture of your accomplishments vibrantly.

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