A tailored, updated resume is essential for anybody interested in pursuing new opportunities, whether they are soon-to-be graduates or seasoned professionals. Here are some helpful tips to get your resume ready and in tip-top shape:

➡️Be strategic.

Resumes aren’t a comprehensive list of all the things you’ve done. Identify the experiences that most accurately capture your skills and problem-solving abilities that target potential employers are looking for.

➡️Keep it consistent

You should maintain editorial consistency by using the same format throughout the document, regardless of what format you choose. If one header is bold, make sure all headers are bold. A resume should include a title, employer, location, and date range for each position. Consistently formatted resumes convey professionalism and attention to detail.

➡️Include a variety of experiences

Employers aren’t just concerned about paid employment. A leadership position, participation in student organizations, volunteering, internships, service-learning, philanthropy, projects, freelancing, study abroad, and part-time employment are all great examples of your abilities and personality. How you write about your experiences matters more than the experiences themselves in professional documents.

➡️Think like an employer

At first glance, employers spend an average of six seconds looking at resumes. Scan your document with fresh eyes and make sure everything on the page is relevant to the job you’re applying for. Employers should clearly see the connection between your experience and their open positions.

➡️Keep it visually balanced

An employer uses a resume to quickly scan your professional experience and get an overview. An effective resume balances black-and-white space, meaning there should not be an excessive amount of text or empty space. Use a legible font and avoid text smaller than 9 points. Don’t include any photos and/or graphic formatting. If you choose to include coloured text, make sure everything is legible when the document is printed in black and white.

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