Quit overzealous descriptors on your Résumé!

We have all heard the 7-second rule when it comes to your résumé and as overtly clichéd, as it may seem, it is true! Every second, and every word, counts for your résumé to pass this 7-second test.

In a rapidly changing and challenging job market, having a clear, well-worded résumé can help you capture the recruiter’s attention and score an interview.  If you submit a résumé with overused phrases, fluff words, and jargon, it will only lead to the recruiter getting confused with alternative interpretations.

For precisely this reason as a professional résumé writer, I suggest to my clients that, they stick with strong action verbs that demonstrate their skills and connect with their target functions & potential employers.

A common myth amongst job seekers is that they will sound smarter with long run-on paragraphs with a lot of vague words. However, it always backfires as recruiters need to quickly see what you do, what you’ve accomplished, and the value you’d bring to this position by glancing at your resume.

It will help tremendously to remove descriptors like “duties included,” and “was responsible for” from your résumé entirely, instead show how you contributed [to the company] as opposed to what you did every day e.g. ‘increased profitability by X%’ or ‘implemented new system for X, which resulted in X% increase in efficiency’ can help an employer envision how you could potentially contribute to their organization and trigger them to call you to discuss this further, giving you the interview opportunity.

✍️ Connect with me to get an accomplishment filled and quantified Résumé, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Profile.

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