When you are looking for a new job, one of the most important questions is probably how to get hired quickly.

As a job seeker, you are probably aware of the many obstacles to landing a new job. Knowing the best way to approach the process will help you be successful in your job search. It’s crucial to know how to make yourself more hireable and what it takes to land your dream job, regardless of whether you’ve been on the path for a long time, or you are just starting out.

While there are several dos and don’ts that are obvious, such as dressing the part, being on time for interviews & leaving the gum chewing for later. Here is one of the big ones that are often ignored by job seekers but are vital to recruiters:

🔷Stand out from other applicants.

🔷Make yourself more hireable, craft your resume to reflect what makes you unique.

🔷Did you intern with a big-name brand company? Mentioning this gives your experience more weight.

🔷Do you have certifications above and beyond the minimum required for the position at hand?

🔷List details that allow you to shine.

🔷With a flood load of applications of multiple hopeful prospects, yours needs to fit in like a missing puzzle.

🔷Tailor & perfect your resume and cover letter.

🔷Highlight the very best (and most relevant) of your experience.

🔷Be credible and recognizable with a good LinkedIn profile

🔷Make your resume application easy to read

🔷Use STAR – Situation (your job/course at the time), Tasks (what you needed to do), Actions (how you did it), Results (how it turned out)

🔷Most importantly proofread to remove any typos, spelling, or grammatical errors.

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