When people meet you, they make snap judgments about who you are after a few seconds. Resumes are no exception. It’s better to revise your resume in these cases:

❌ If the text on your resume is designed with wall-to-wall text highlighting

❌If your resume has more than one font

❌If your resume has different types of bullet points or heading styles

❌If your resume has skewed formatting

❌If your resume has randomly arranged sections

❌If your resume has spelling or grammatical errors

❌If your resume does not have enough white space and is visually busy

❌If your resume is more than 2 pages long

❌If your resume does not have outcomes & results

❌If your resume does not have numbers on outcomes

❌If your resume does not sound confident enough

❌If your resume is too generic and lacks focus

❌If your resume is attempting to be one-size-fits-all

❌If your resume does not have action verbs

As a job applicant, you will need to duck and dodge plenty of pitfalls when writing your resume. If you have any of these, you have clearly messed the readability quotient and visual appeal of your resume , you end up giving the recruiter a headache.

DM me to get your resume  reviewed for a second opinion.

✍?I can help you create a professional custom-made resume, cover letter & LinkedIn profile that resonates with your target role. You can email me using [email protected] or WhatsApp on https://wa.link/qle361 Or visit www.careerfaktor.com to learn more

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