Recently a client asked me how can I network with potential employers on Linkedin, hence making this post.

Personally, I have seen people just send their resume and say ‘please help me I am looking for a job’ and most of these messages go unanswered.

A timely, professional and clear InMail message can go a very long way, you should know that there is a huge chunk of hiring managers using LinkedIn when trying to fill a role and is growing by the day.

 Compose a message that commands their attention with these strategies in mind:

? Always start by thanking them.

? Describe your intent, for example, you are interested in a particular opening or wish to be considered for future roles.

? Consider a more subtle approach that does not involve employment, such as getting advice before you begin.

? Prepare & include your elevator pitch, such as how your work experience or background make you a good fit.

? Do your research on the recruiter or the job posting for additional personalised content.

? Attach your resume but prepare your LinkedIn profile first and keep it updated and impactful.

? Keep it brief and concise. Your selling points can be covered in just a few sentences.

? End your message with a call to action or a suggestion that they contact you for more information.

? Customize the message and the subject line.

? Sound genuine and human. Write as you would to a person. Don’t copy-paste like a robot

? Your message can sound friendly and professional.

? Proofread and reread before you send it.

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