If you’re looking for a new job or planning your professional future, you should start by identifying what makes you most excited or fulfilled in your current job, which will then help to direct your efforts. Further, your resume can be edited to show your key qualifications for a job you want.

Try responding to this ‘Career Plan’ exercise:

  1. Get to your goal first. How would your ideal career look like?
  2. After that, determine your role in this career.
  3. Which path or paths do you intend to take in the long run?
  4. Where do you intend to focus? What have you accomplished previously? What skills do you possess?
  5. Identify your next career step. What should you do if you want to develop yourself or have your sights set on a long-term goal? That’s your Plan A.
  6. If Plan A fails, what is your Plan B?
  7. Examine key uncertainties in Plan A and Plan B. For instance, a general rule is to always start with the cheapest way to gather information. Start by reading relevant career reviews or problem profiles, and then contact people in the area. You can also try a project.
  8. Finally, decide how you will implement your plan & chalk it out on paper. 

DM me for the following professional services:

✍️Resume Writing or Proofread & Critique

✍️Cover Letter Writing

✍️LinkedIn Profile Optimisation

✍️Tailor your existing resume to a target application

Stay tuned and follow me for more such insights for job seekers.

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