Magnetise your presence on LinkedIn!

Having a striking & search-friendly LinkedIn profile with a professional picture & cover photo is just the tip of the iceberg, so what else should you do to influence & attract potential employers:

? Add recruiters and potential employer functional heads to your network.

? Make use of all available skills from the drop-down that fits you best & get endorsed.

? Seek recommendations relevant to your skills & line of work.

? Join and participate in LinkedIn Groups & don’t spam for visibility, write meaningful posts & comments so that you are recognized as a resident expert within the Group.

? Sprinkle keywords in your profile, posts, comments & articles that are relevant to your function or industry.

? Set correct job-seeking preferences in the settings.

? Be consistent & authentic in your engagements, share your story to build relationships.

? Lookout for #LinkedInLocal meetups & join.

? Engage with your school/university/workplace alumni.

? Share your career interests via the LinkedIn profile feature.

Leveraging LinkedIn can make recruiters and employers come to you! ✍️ DM me to get your Résumé, Cover Letter & LinkedIn created professionally 

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